State: Texas / Region: Panhandle
County: Castro / Type: Irrigated Farm
Acres: 661 acres, more or less
Taxes: $4,052.82 (2022)
Location: 3 mile NW of Hart
This farm has a late-model ½-mile Valley center pivot and 10 irrigation wells. The wells are approximately 380' deep and equipped with submersible electric pumps and motors. The soils are mostly clay loams with 0 to 1 percent slope and are highly productive. The NE corner of the farm joins Hwy. 194 NW of Hart.
The information contained herein is as obtained by Scott Land Company LLC - Dimmitt, Texas from the owner and other sources and even though this information is considered reliable, neither broker nor owner make any guarantee, warranty or representation as to correctness of any data or descriptions and the accuracy of such statements should be determined through independent investigation made by the prospective purchaser. This offer for sale is subject to prior sale, errors and omissions, change of price, terms or other conditions or withdrawal from sale in whole or in part, by seller without notice and at the sole discretion of seller. Readers are urged to form their own independent conclusions and evaluations in consultation with legal counsel, accountants, and/or investment advisors concerning any and all material contained herein.